
Teeth Whitening

Trying to reverse stains on teeth can be a frustrating ordeal – but Dr. DiMattia can make it simple.

Patients who buy teeth whitening kits at a store typically end up disappointed with the length of time it takes and the results.

At Dr. DiMattia’s office in Lexington, Massachusetts, teeth whitening can be accomplished in a shorter amount of time and with much less mess than the home kits require.  Whitening sessions average 30 to 60 minutes and give noticeable results in one visit, although dramatic results may take several visits.

The whitening agent in at-home kits is not strong enough to whiten as well as most patients would like.  The professional whitening agents available at Dr. DiMattia’s office are much stronger and, therefore, requires professional supervision.  Leaving a strong solution on the teeth too long can have adverse side effects, including a yellow tint to the tooth enamel or tooth sensitivity and pain.

Toothpaste that advertises whitening ability, but beware – even is the toothpaste contains hydrogen peroxide (the whitening agent), brushing will not allow the hydrogen peroxide to remain on the teeth long enough to make any real changes.  Toothpaste that claims to scrub the stains away can damage the tooth enamel if used too much.

Call 781-862-0665 for a teeth whitening consultation with Dr. DiMattia.